CAL SIOP for Dual Language Programs: Developing Language and Content in Two Languages

8:00am - 3:00pm
Presented at: La Cosecha 2021

This interactive institute from the Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL) is designed to provide participants with an overview on using SIOP methods in DL instruction. K-12 DL teachers and coaches will learn about the eight components of the SIOP Model while addressing the three pillars of DL programs: bilingualism and biliteracy, high academic achievement, and socio-cultural competence. The Institute will include a variety of activities, including demonstrations, simulations, explanations and small-group tasks and will encourage reflection needed for each teacher to adapt the CAL SIOP methods to their own unique circumstances. No prior knowledge of the SIOP Model is required for participation. School teams are encouraged to attend together. (max 100 participants)

Please click here to register for this pre-conference institute.